26. März 2019

Workshop: Making recycling of packaging waste a profitable business for SMEs

Resource efficiency in the waste management sector has a double meaning. On the one hand, it refers to the operation of enterprises, mainly SMEs, involved in this system, while on the other, to the outputs of the system as a whole, which goal, according to Circular Economy, is to maximise the recovery of resources from waste. Both these aspects are strictly interlinked and translate directly into the quantity and quality of the secondary raw materials, as well as profitability of operations of the involved entities.
It requires flexibility in performance of the enterprises, adequate organisation and well-conceived investments, which are often limited by economic, technical and organisational factors.

In that sense recycling of packaging waste from selective collection poses a serious challenge for the SMEs involved in its collection, sorting and processing. As business entities, they struggle with the constantly changing market conditions and the ability to respond to the demand for increasing quality of the secondary raw materials. To make their operations cost effective, SMEs must demonstrate flexibility. They must also have adequate management and organisation practices in place and well-conceived investments, which are often limited by economic, technical and organisational factors.

The European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK)–offers SMEs operating in the field of waste management, information and examples of good practices regarding logistics, technology and organisation solutions that allow companies to reduce the operating costs by savings in energy, water and materials consumption while improving their efficiency, performance and cost-effectiveness.

The workshop will provide a forum for exchange of ideas, learnings and opportunities to problem-solve issues related to improving the overall resource efficiency performance of the packaging waste recycling entities taking into account:

  • current policies on EU and national level and future trends related to packaging waste recycling that have a direct impact on the current operation of the enterprises in this sector and their future developments;
  • organisational, legal and economic factors that have an effect on the performance and profitability of collection, sorting, processing and recycling of packaging waste, including the extended producer responsibility (EPR); and
  • technical solutions for enterprises contributing to the improvement of their production and resource efficiency.


  • To raise awareness of the entrepreneurs on the relevance and possibilities of improving the resource efficiency in waste management operations and their impact on the profitability of operations;
  • To highlight the opportunities and good practices, share knowledge and experiences among participants to build capacity for improvements in organizational and technical operations related to collection, sorting and processing of packaging waste in order to increase the efficiency and profitability of operations as well as the quantity and quality of the recovered materials;
  • To identify and discuss the key issues and systemic solutions (e.g. EPR) relevant for resource efficient operations of SMEs involved in the collection, sorting and processing of packaging waste recycling. As well as the entire system, taking into account economic feasibility, technical viability, market drivers and regulatory conditions of Poland and Central Europe; and
  • To identify the information needs of the collection, sorting and processing entities concerning measures to optimize their performance in line with the market trends.

    In addition, during the workshops, the entrepreneurs will be provided with an opportunity for personalized coaching sessions to get familiarised with the tools offered by EREK.


26.03.2019, 09:30 - 17:00 Uhr


Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
6 Kossutha
40-844 Katowice


European Resource Eficciency Knowledge Centre
Web: www.resourceefficient.eu